Evmos Name Service Testnet Guide
Setup Evmos Testnet Network on Metamask wallet
go to https://chainlist.org/ and search Evmos Testnet in Searchbar, Enable testnet then connect wallet and add network that’s it
Evmos Testnet added to your metamask wallet.
Request Funds from the faucet.
go to https://faucet.evmos.dev/ submit ETH wallet address and click request funds with the address, You will get 0.1tEvmos (this is evmos testnet tokens)
Now go to http://testnet.evmosnameservice.com and connect your wallet using metamask wallet make sure to change the network to Evmos Testnet
Enter your own web3 username (enter what username you want)
after entering your username and click the search button screen look like below.
click request to register and approve the transaction from metamask
wait for 1 minute waiting time then proceed to the next step approve metamask that’s it you will get your own web3 evmos test network domain
After 1 minute wait time click the register button to proceed to the next steps confirm metamask popup for gas fee payment that’s it you will get your own evmos testnet domain.
Feel free to submit your feedback and you will get rewards as well
Submit Feedback here https://forms.gle/Ck5PK9PMJwXuxcg86